Jared Kushner Is Preparing To ‘Flip Like A Pancake’ On Donald Trump

Even though he’s married to President Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, Jared Kushner is about to be faced with one hell of a choice: Toss his father-in-law under the bus or take the rap in the Russia investigation and serve decades in federal prison.

Norm Eisen, the former ethics czar in the Obama administration, said Thursday that Kushner is preparing to turn on the Donald and cooperate fully with Special Counsel Robert Mueller. And he also noted that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s apparent willingness to talk to Mueller is also bad news for the White House:

Eisen also had this to say about Flynn:

And Friday morning Eisen added this tweet, which likely has the administration in panic mode:

There are dozens of sealed indictments still on the docket at the federal courthouse in Washington, D.C. Some of them probably contain the names of Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., and the president. If so, the minute they’re unsealed, we’ll know that the Orange Menace’s remaining days in office are limited.

Merry Christmas, Donald! Get ready for a bumpy ride.

This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org

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