Nikki Haley Gets Dealt A Giant Dose Of Internet Karma For Calling Trump A ‘Selfless’ Leader

When you hear the name Donald Trump, what words come to mind? Here’s a few that would be on most people’s list: Bully, braggart, thin-skinned, liar, narcissist, fake. But do you ever associate the current president with the word “selfless”? Because that’s what former UN Ambassador and governor of South Carolina Nikki Haley called Trump […]

Luddite GOP Congressman Says Of Online Privacy, ‘Nobody’s Got To Use The Internet’

If there’s one thing you can say about most Republicans, it’s that they have absolutely no problem saying incredibly ignorant things that make you question whether or not they made it past the second grade. Such is the case with Wisconsin GOP Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner. At a town hall meeting in his district Thursday evening, […]

Notice Your Internet Service Has Been Slower Lately? You Can Thank Your ISP

Net neutrality has been a big issue in recent months, and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued new rules aimed at assuring all data is treated equally and to prevent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from holding data speeds hostage. But a study released by BattlefortheNet concludes that the major internet access providers in the nation–AT&T, […]