Donald Trump has been interviewed by shock jock Howard Stern more times than by anyone else. Considering that Trump is fond of being crude and rude, that’s only fitting.
15 previously unreleased hours of interviews between Stern and Trump were obtained by Newsweek. The magazine dubbed the new tapes a:
“Rich, Freudian case study, a gold mine for anyone trying to understand the president of the United States.”
Since most of us don’t have the time (or the inclination) to try and listen to 15 hours of a jerk like Donald Trump talking to Stern, here’s five of the most reprehensible things that were revealed in the new tapes:
1. A Few Days After Her Death, Trump Commented on Anna Nicole Smith:
“When she came to New York, I saw Anna Nicole Smith the first day or week that she was in New York. She was 6 feet tall. She had the best body. She had the best face. She had the best hair I’ve ever seen. You know, hair is my thing. I’m really into hair up right now, okay? And she has the most beautiful. I mean, she had the best hair, but she had the best face and the best body. You said [she had] the best face. She had the best body.”
2. His Thoughts on Famous Women:
Angelina Jolie? “Her lips are too big…a solid 7…a 7 is not a 10.”
Kim Kardashian? “She’s got a huge trunk…it’s seriously big.”
Halle Berry? “I love her upper body.”
Charlize Theron? “Ivanka is much better-looking than her.”
3. And Speaking of Ivanka…
“She’s 6 feet tall. She’s got the best body. She made a lot of money as a model. A tremendous amount and then she went cold turkey and gave it all up because she had to go to college because I wanted her to go to college. She goes to the best college sort and she goes to Wharton and she’s got straight As and she’s one of them. She’s considered one of the most beautiful women. And she really is—she is like a great beauty.”
4. The Problem With Smart Women:
“Now the women did use their sex appeal, and they’re like incredibly beautiful. Of the women, there are some that are just unbelievable — like supermodel beauty, in addition to having a 200 IQ, and that maybe is negative. A beautiful woman that’s that smart. That could be a negative.”
5. World’s Worst Father:
“I’ve been a good father—a really good father. But I’ve never been that involved. Like, if they ever said, ‘Come on outside, dad. Let’s have a catch in Central Park.’ I’d say, excuse me, what?”
Donald Trump is an asshole. He’s also a pervert. And he’s very possibly the most shallow man to ever walk on the face of the earth. Too bad we can’t impeach him for being such a douchebag.
we can impeach him, for douchenozzle and worse, if the Republicans every allow it.