Last night, while many of us were sleeping, Donald Trump gave what was billed as a speech on “law and order” in Wisconsin. If you missed it, don’t worry. Turns out it was more of the same patented crap that Trump is always spewing out, but there was one unique portion of the speech: An outreach to African-American voters.
Please, try not to laugh and send beverage spewing out your nose.
Yes, Donald Trump, who polls at 1 percent among black voters (1 percent!), said the Democratic party had betrayed African-Americans and taken them for granted, only wanting them when it was election time. Guess he missed the headlines about the United States electing and reelecting the first black President, who also happens to be black.
How was this bid for the black vote received by African-Americans? Judging by the response on Twitter, not so well:
trump saw that he was getting 1% from black people and said "too high"
— shrillary tintin (@theshrillest) August 17, 2016
Donald Trump is getting African American outreach wrong in the exact way that the GOP has been getting it wrong for my entire life.
— Petey RobLowe (@jteeDC) August 17, 2016
Among other things, Trump has spoken all kinds of craziness about President Obama. Why would black folks vote for such a man? #XanaxTrump
— Damon Bethea (@damonbethea1) August 17, 2016
The only black people I've seen here in the last four and a half hours are employees of the venue. https://t.co/407vZJCT7w
— jg (@JustinGlawe) August 17, 2016
We're 20 minutes into this speech in which Trump is making pitch to African-Africans and he hasn't said one specific thing he'll do for them
— Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) August 17, 2016
Trump speaking *as if* he is appealing directly to black voters – note that campaign chose West Bend for this address, which is 95% white.
— Ari Melber MSNBC (@AriMelber) August 17, 2016
Why isn’t Trump making this speech in the black areas of Milwaukee? Oh right: gutless.
— Harold Itzkowitz (@HaroldItz) August 17, 2016
I'm trying to imagine the conversation at Trump HQ.
"We need to make a pitch to black voters."
"Let's do that in a nearly all-white town."
— Chris Megerian (@ChrisMegerian) August 17, 2016
Is Trump… trying to pretend … that he cares about black people? Holy crap. This speech needs a laugh track.
— Scott Weinberg (@scottEweinberg) August 17, 2016
Trump: Immigrants will “take all the jobs, including from low-income African Americans.”
He doesn’t even know he’s being racist.
— Christina Wilkie (@christinawilkie) August 17, 2016
Of course, some clueless morons thought the speech was superb. For example:
Great Trump speech. Imagine how much better off Black Americans would be today, if Dems hadn't decided to dump 30 million 3d worlders on US
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) August 17, 2016
Next thing you know, Trump will announce that he’s gonna try and build bridges to the Hispanic community. He’ll probably start the building with a wall instead of a bridge.
h/t Mediaite
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org