Chris Christie Tells Fox News: Losing $900 Million Is A ‘Very Good Story For Donald Trump’ (VIDEO)

Donald Trump just loves saying what a great businessman he is and how he will bring that same experience and expertise to running the American economy. But in light of the fact that we now know–thanks to the New York Times–that Trump’s company lost over $900 billion in 1995 alone, it’s starting to look like the Donald’s business acumen is nothing more one of his many lies.

On Fox News today, host Chris Wallace asked Chris Christie about the matter, and Christie asserted that in claiming such a loss and paying no taxes makes Trump a “genius.” I’m not sure about you, but that’s not exactly the word I had in mind. Christie then went on add:

“What it shows is what an absolute mess the federal tax code is and Donald Trump is the best person to fix it. There is no one who has shown more genius in their ability to maneuver around the tax code as he rightfully used the laws to do that.

“This is actually a very good story for Donald Trump.”

Wallace, not sure he was hearing correctly, interjected to say:

“Wait, wait, wait. You’re saying it’s a good story that he took a billion dollar loss and that he failed to pay any income taxes for years? That’s a good story?”

Obedient butt kisser that he is, Christie replied:

“Chris, first of all you don’t know that he didn’t pay any income taxes. All the story said is that kind of loss can be used for up to 18 years. But if Mr. Trump made $600 million the next year, $600 million of that loss would be wiped out. So let’s be precise about what it said.”

But Wallace was far from finished tearing apart Christie’s cover story:

“In effect what he said in the first debate is that if he paid no taxes, that made him smart. I assume that if he had paid taxes over all those years he would have told us so.”

Unwilling to relent and admit he was fabricating an excuse, Christie said:

“Well, that’s a big assumption on your part based upon the advice he has gotten. This proves that the advice he’s gotten from his lawyers and accountants is the right advice.”

You’ve heard of an October Surprise that changes everything and sends a campaign into a tailspin? It just arrived gift wrapped on the second day of October.

This article was originally published by the same author at

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