If you’ve watched the MSNBC show Morning Joe since Donald Trump declared his candidacy in 2015, then you know the co-hosts, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, are some of the biggest Trump cheerleaders on the face of the planet.
Now we have reports that Brzezinski was seen going into Trump Tower on Tuesday for some sort of meeting and that Scarborough is advising Trump on all kinds of issues. This is a clear conflict of interest on the part of the two MSNBC employees, and they should immediately be terminated as they can no longer hope to be objective.
CNN host Chris Cuomo was more than a bit agitated by news of the connections between Brzezinski, Scarborough, and Trump, so he went on Twitter to give his thoughts on the matter:
They have always been boosters. Things turned south when trump froze them out but coverage always stilted. They are transition spokesmen now https://t.co/gkW16uMPJ3
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) November 29, 2016
Over the past several months, Trump has also been highly critical of the coverage he gets on CNN. Cuomo addressed that, too:
Trump bashes CNN but whom do they rely on for news? Exactly. https://t.co/kh2i9ZJ3Ff
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) November 29, 2016
trump could tweet more about ohio state or aleppo or the robust economy but he chooses flag burning. judge why for yourself
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) November 29, 2016
Gulp 🙂 https://t.co/PUBQdyBlgg
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) November 29, 2016
I have to admit that while I believe in the American system of government and the protections the Constitution affords us all, I’m still fearful that a proto-fascist like Donald Trump will attempt to circumvent our laws through fear, intimidation, and lying. This man is a threat to everything we claim to hold dear in the United States.
And to Chris Cuomo, I have this to say: Good for you! Keep speaking out and know that millions of us have your back.
h/t RawStory
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org
THANK YOU for your expert news reporting, your knowledge of everything government, your determination to give us the unadulterated news FACTS..we appreciate so much the fact that you ask the good questions that we want answers to and don’t allow veering off on a tangent about something totally unrelated to your question! I cannot tell you what it means in today’s world to have a news source that I can trust.. I hope you will never allow yourself to be intimidated by the present administration…Again, a huge THANK YOU!!