Mike Pence likes to pretend that he’s a devout Christian, but first and foremost he’s a disciple of Donald Trump. And he proved that definitively on Friday during an interview.
The vice president left no doubt where his loyalties lie again during an interview with a local TV station in Philadelphia, refusing to say that “black lives matter” and instead opting for the typical cop out used by anyone who doesn’t want to agree that the lives of African-Americans are just as valuable as those of whites:
“Let me just say that what happened to George Floyd was a tragedy.
“And in this nation, especially on Juneteenth, we celebrate the fact that from the founding of this nation we’ve cherished the ideal that all, all of us are created equal, and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. And so all lives matter in a very real sense.”
The very same way his boss refuses to sympathize with the growing national movement for racial equality in all facts of American life, Pence proved what a mealy-mouthed little weasel he is and always will be.
The interviewer, Brian Taff, pressed Pence on his unwillingness to utter the phrase:
“Forgive me for pressing you on this, sir, but I will note you did not say those words, ‘Black lives matter,’ and there is an important distinction. People are saying, of course all lives matter, but to say the words is an acknowledgment that Black lives also matter at a time in this country when it appears that there’s a segment of our society that doesn’t agree. So why will you not say those words?”
That only drew more platitudes from the VP:
“Well, I don’t accept the fact, Brian, that there’s a segment of American society that disagrees, in the preciousness and importance of every human life.”
Mike Pence is a just as much of a coward as Donald Trump. And his inability to utter three simple words speaks volumes about what kind of a soulless asshole he is.
Pence makes a point of giving credit to Trump so that he is innocent and can replace him if necessary.. Bet he is happy with all the anti gay republicans Trump has placed in the taxpayers Voice of America…can we get rid of them now, the amount of more damage they can do before Jan 2021 is downright horrifying.