There are few people more insufferable, obnoxious, asinine, or patently incorrect than Fox News host Sean Hannity and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Both love to pontificate on any and every subject under the sun, but neither has the first clue what he’s talking about.
Hannity’s latest soapbox for his inane rants is the investigation into possible collusion between the Trump team and Russia during the 2016 election. The Fox host and his thrice-married cohort were discussing the situation Monday night, and Hannity took a moment to pucker up and kiss both himself and Gingrich right on the butt cheeks, commenting:
“You know, Mr. Speaker. I kinda feel in many ways we’ve been––and you’ve been included in this and you’ve been an enormous help with great analysis––we’ve almost been a sole voice here of sanity in the media.”
But Sean was far from finished patting himself and the serial philanderer on the back, noting that he and Gingrich “saw a problem with the tarmac and [Attorney General] Loretta Lynch,” “the investigation versus mission,” and “we saw the unhealthy conflicts with Comey and [Special Counsel Robert] Mueller.”
Oh yes, it’s all a big conspiracy! People with facts deal in facts. But when you have no actual facts like Hannity, you just spin some bullshit out of straw and proclaim it to be evidence of your warped theory. Hannity has been doing this for years, and Gingrich has never gotten over the fact that he tried to impeach President Clinton, failed, and lost his own job because he got caught screwing one the aides in his congressional office.
Whether right wingers like it or not, Robert Mueller will carry this investigation through to its conclusion if he’s left alone and not hindered. And whatever he finds will be the final say on the matter. If Hannity and Gingrich are so damn convinced that Trump is innocent, they should welcome the investigation as a way of exonerating the president.
But Gingrich and Hannity are worried, and they’re desperate to try and change the topic. Nice try, guys, but we’ve seen your B-movie before, and it sucked the first time.
Oh yes, it’s all a big conspiracy! People with facts deal in facts. But when you have no actual facts like Hannity, you just spin some bullshit out of straw and proclaim it to be evidence of your warped theory. Hannity has been doing this for years, and Gingrich has never gotten over the fact that he tried to impeach President Clinton, failed, and lost his own job because he got caught screwing one the aides in his congressional office.
Whether right wingers like it or not, Robert Mueller will carry this investigation through to its conclusion if he’s left alone and not hindered. And whatever he finds will be the final say on the matter. If Hannity and Gingrich are so damn convinced that Trump is innocent, they should welcome the investigation as a way of exonerating the president.
But Gingrich and Hannity are worried, and they’re desperate to try and change the topic. Nice try, guys, but we’ve seen your B-movie before, and it sucked the first time.
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org