Delusional WH Spokesman Claims Democrats Have Caused More ‘Chaos’ Than Russia (VIDEO)

Now that Donald Trump and the White House can no longer deny that Russia did indeed interfere with the 2016 election, the administration is changing tactics and proving they know the Mueller investigation is getting closer.

With the indictment of 13 Russian nationals and 3 Russian entities on Friday, Trump’s repeated claims of a “witch hunt,” “fake news,” and that someone other than Russia might have been responsible for attacking our democratic institutions, the new tactic is to try and slag others as a way of providing cover.

Deputy White House Press Secretary Hogan Gidley was a guest on Fox “News” Saturday, and he wasted no time trying to blame Democrats and the media for “chaos” in the United States:

“There are two groups that have created chaos more than the Russians and that’s the Democrats and the mainstream media.

“[They] continued to push this lie on the American people for more than a year, and frankly Americans should be outraged by that.”

No need to be outraged by the fact that members of the Trump campaign — including Trump himself — may have conspired with Russia to win the election, is there? Nah, that’s just a footnote to the bogus assertions of the administration that somehow they’re under attack by their political opponents. How ridiculous can you get?

Gidley’s remarks come just a day after Trump himself tried to suggest that Friday’s indictments proved he did nothing wrong:

That was followed by White House spokesman Raj Shah telling Fox:

“All of these efforts were about sowing confusion in the electoral process and undermining the next president, not about supporting one candidate over the other.”

That’s not true, either. We know that Russia wanted to help elect anyone but Hillary Clinton, meaning they did indeed support certain candidates over others.

Once again, the Trump team winds up tripping on their own lies.


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