As if things weren’t already going badly enough for Donald Trump and his faltering Presidential campaign, the GOP nominee is once again resorting to making fun of Hillary Clinton for daring to contract pneumonia last month and stumble while attending a memorial service honoring those who died on September 11.
At a campaign rally in Pennsylvania Saturday, Trump not only took verbal jabs at his Democratic opponent, he also imitated an ill person, saying:
“But here’s a woman, she’s supposed to fight all of these different things and she can’t even make it 15 feet to her car. Give me a break. Give me a break.”
While he was at it, Trump also took some other cheap shots designed to obscure the painful fact that he lost the first debate with Clinton and is falling behind in the polls:
“She’s home resting right now, she’s getting ready for her next speech, which is going to be about 15 minutes and it’s going to be in two or three days.”
As if all this wasn’t quite enough (i.e. too much), Cheeto Head also had this to say about Mrs. Clinton’s marriage:
“I don’t think she’s even loyal to Bill to tell the truth…and why should she be.”
Yep, Trump never misses a chance to be the biggest hypocrite on the face of the earth. This is the very same Donald Trump who cheated on the wife of his three oldest children in the full view of the media when he was married to Ivana. Yet he wants to cast stones at the Clintons? At least they stayed married. Meanwhile, Trump is on marriage number three.
If Trump loses the second debate, what will he do for a hateful follow-up? Start kicking puppies?
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org