Donald Trump Jr’s Former Mistress Says Ivanka Is A ‘Lesbian On The Low’

The Trump family is a gigantic mess, and it’s not just President Donald Trump who is seeing his dirty laundry catch up with him.

In late August, a former staffer on “The Celebrity Apprentice,” Noel Casler, alleged that Jared Kushner — who just so happens to be a senior adviser to the president — is gay and in an arranged marriage with his wife, Ivanka, who also works in the White House and is the daughter of the president.

Here’s what Casler had to say on Twitter:

And now we have Aubrey O’Day, who had an affair with Donald Trump Jr. while he was still married, dropping a huge bombshell about Ivanka on Twitter while she watched the final presidential debate on Thursday evening. She later deleted the tweet according to Newsweek, but it read:

since trump has now lowered this debate to trashing family..
-don jr HATES his father.
-ivanka is a lesbian on the low.
-eric fucked miss universe on the apprentice board room table while with his now wife. #Debates2020

— Aubrey O’Day (@AubreyODay) October 23, 2020

She also sent out this one, which was also later deleted:

“We need to stop discussing kids.. because Ivanka is a lesbian, yet doesn’t support women’s rights in this administration that she RUNS on the low.”

Wow! That’s some serious shit.

Granted, O’Day did delete those tweets, but she may have done so to avoid legal problems. However, she forgot that the internet is forever, and her tweets were duly recorded.

Here’s a few that O’Day hasn’t deleted:

Just imagine how crazy things are going to get for the Trump clan now that the old man lost the election and they’re all suddenly facing indictment, prosecution, and prison. They’ll probably start tossing each other under the proverbial bus to save their privileged asses.

It’s going to be fascinating (and hilarious) to watch.

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