In the surest sign yet that the Bernie Sanders campaign has unofficially conceded the election to presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton, campaign manager Jeff Weaver said yesterday the Sanders camp is not contacting or lobbying superdelegates to switch their allegiance from Clinton to Sanders. Weaver also said the campaign has no plans to lobby superdelegates in the future.
Appearing on the MSNBC show “With All Due Respect,” Weaver said:
“We’re not currently lobbying superdelegates. I don’t anticipate that will start anytime soon.”
In an online address Senator Sanders gave Thursday evening, Sanders told supporters:
“This campaign is about defeating Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for president. After centuries of racism, sexism and discrimination of all forms in our country, we do not need a major party candidate who makes bigotry the cornerstone of his campaign.
“We cannot have a president who insults Mexicans and Latinos, Muslims, women and African-Americans. We cannot have a president who, in the midst of so much income and wealth inequality, wants to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the very rich. We cannot have a president who, despite all of the scientific evidence, believes that climate change is a hoax.”
However, Sanders did not say that he would formally suspend or terminate his campaign, which in recent weeks has been reported to be short of cash.
It appears that the main focus of the Sanders campaign is now aimed at the platform which will be adopted at the Democratic convention in July. Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs says the issues which are most important for inclusion in the platform are raising the minimum wage, campaign finance reform, universal healthcare, and more affordable college tuition.
Recent reports have also noted that Sanders has lost nearly all of his leverage when it comes to the upcoming convention. As Politico stated in an article which appears today:
“Far from just leading Trump in national polls, Clinton’s allies now note that battleground state surveys also suggest she has little reason to fear that tepid support from Sanders backers could doom her.”
For all intents and purposes, the Sanders campaign is now at the end of the road.
This article was originally published by the same author at