Enraged ‘Trumpstock’ Attendees Call For ‘Civil War’ If Donald Loses The 2020 Election

In Golden Valley, Arizona, not so long ago, they held something they call “Trumpstock,” a ragtag collection of those who consider Donald Trump to be their political savior.

Those who showed up for the event say they don’t appreciate the tags that get attached to them as supporters of a controversial president, the New York Times reports:

“They label us white nationalists, or white supremacists,” volunteered Guy Taiho Decker, who drove from California to attend the event. A right-wing protester, he has previously been arrested on charges of making terrorist threats.

“There’s no such thing as a white supremacist, just like there’s no such thing as a unicorn,” Mr. Decker said. “We’re patriots.”

But some of these so-called patriots are just a bit too eager to suggest they would do anything — even commit violence — to make sure that Trump remains in office, even if he happens to lose in 2020.

Take, for example, Mark Villalta, who admits he’s been stockpiling arms in case Trump isn’t reelected:

“Nothing less than a civil war would happen. I don’t believe in violence, but I’ll do what I got to do.”

Lose an election, start a civil war. That’s the way these Trump faithful see their duty to their leader. Sounds a bit like a cult, doesn’t it?

There was also plenty of racism and xenophobia on display at Trumpstock.

Angus Smith, an Arizona resident who attended the gathering, offered this bit of Trumpian wisdom:

“I don’t have a problem with Muslims, but can they take the rag off their head out of respect for our country?”

And then there’s Brian Talbert, the founder of Deplorable Pride, who had this to say about Hillary Clinton:

“I think she should be hanging at the end of a rope for treason.”

What these  Trump acolytes seem to forget is that if indeed Trump does lose the 2020 election, their predicted “civil war” will be short-lived and end badly for them. The police and other law enforcement agencies who have sworn allegiance to the Constitution are not going to just let a bunch of yahoos decide who gets to be president.

The folks at Trumpstock have delusions of grandeur, much like the president they’ve sworn allegiance to. They think their 35 percent of the population can decide what happens to the other 65 percent. But they’re about to find out that their deeply flawed math isn’t worth a damn.

12 thoughts on “Enraged ‘Trumpstock’ Attendees Call For ‘Civil War’ If Donald Loses The 2020 Election

  1. Ah, the American conservative. A person who loves their country, but hates a lot of the people in it. Thanks to them, Patriotism is nothing more that a Virtue of the truly Vicious.
    “No such thing as White Supremacists.” Tell that to the Aryan Nations, The KKK, those losers marching in Charlottesville in 2018 chanting, “Jews shall not replace us,” et al.

    • “A person who loves their country, but hates a lot of the people in it.” Oh, you mean like Democrats hate millions of citizens who support Trump? “Virtue of the truly vicious?” Ummm, not aware of any conservatives who try to destroy a person person & his livelihood for saying, thinking, or for simply associating with anyone for saying or thinking, anything that doesn’t align completely with their opinion. Haven’t noticed conservatives seeking to keep a Democrat from speaking about their views. And what’s with this sudden concern for Jews when Democrats in the house couldn’t bring themselves to condemn open anti-semitism expressed by some of its members? That said, the Muslim comment is indefensible, & there clearly are white supremacists in this country. Now, see what I did there? I agreed with some content of the article, & disagreed with others, meaning I’m not an echo chamber resident. Echo chamber residents can only view things from one perspective & are thus uninformed by design.

      • “Ummm, not aware of any conservatives who try to destroy a person person & his livelihood for saying, thinking, or for simply associating with anyone for saying or thinking, anything that doesn’t align completely with their opinion.”

        Ever watch Fox or Beck or Rush or OANN or Sandy Hook Truthers or hear of Heather Meyer?? You can give that wishful sentiment a break.

        • I think it’s hilarious how Trump Supporters have brains like a ratchet. They only turn one way. There is one standard for them and the grievance culture that animates them, and another one for everyone else. That’s why Republican Senators get hopping mad when anyone has a bad word for the dear leader, but are perfectly fine with The president calling even other Republicans not loyal enough to Trump, “human scum. “

      • It is simple. I am sure you can understand it. They don’t like you because you are a hypocrite. You say one thing and do another. You support someone who lies to you on a daily, if not hourly, basis. What does that say about you? You support a person who insults the handicapped, demeans women, ostracizes and marginalized minorities, not to mention taking away my rights and the rights of others. You support a person who lies, cheats and is a fraud both before he came to the White House and after. Would you like your husband or son to behave in this manner? You just might, and what does that say about you?

      • You might want to check and see how many liberals or Democrats have committed mass shootings in this country since 2016. NONE.

  2. To quote Angus Smith from Arizona:
    “I don’t have a problem with Muslims, but can they take the rag off their head out of respect for our country?”
    Angus, ‘our country’ is not your country. It belongs to the Native Americans. YOU et al are the foreigners there. Either share with the latest batch of immigrants ore or go back to the UK.

    • ‘OUR’ Country? What does that mean? If your an American aren’t you free to where what you want? And , it’s part of their religion. Just like Nuns have to wear habit’s.

  3. The police let Antifia decide why not others? They are crazy and delusional and there allowed to be violent toward trump supporters. I think if they were treated the same with the same violence they would think twice about being violent to others.


    I have been waiting for these fools to act up for 2 fucking years. I have my guns as a 2A supporting liberal

    5k rounds of ammo just waiting to pop a cap in someones ass that is wearing a MAGA hat

    FUCK TRUMP and his civil war Bullshit

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