Eric Trump Tried To Troll CNN And Got A Giant Dose Of Internet Karma (TWEETS)

On Thursday, President Trump announced that he would donate $1 million to the relief effort for Hurricane Harvey, which has ravaged Southeast Texas, especially Houston. Trump did the same thing in 2012 when Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast, but never fulfilled that pledge.

Shortly after the White House said the president would give to help the victims of Harvey, his son, Eric, thought it would be a great idea to go on Twitter and try to troll CNN with this post:

If Eric had bothered to do a few seconds of online research, he would have found that CNN had already done a story on the $1 million pledge from his daddy. CNN brought it to Eric’s attention:

The network also had some fun with Eric, responding to his snark with this:

Others on Twitter also gave Eric a heaping helping of hell:

Eric, much like his daddy, really needs to stay of Twitter. But neither one will. It’s their favorite way of patting themselves on the back. Are we supposed to be impressed?

This article was originally published by the same author at

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