Even though it took them forever and a day, Twitter has finally decided to crack down on the racist ramblings of numerous alt-right asshats who have been spewing their venom on the social media platform for years now.
One of those booted from Twitter was Richard Spencer, the notorious white nationalist and so-called “father” of the alt-right movement. Among other things, Spencer advocates that the United States be only for whites because he doesn’t believe the races are able to get along. After learning of the ban, Spencer acted like most hate-filled losers and lashed out, remarking:
“This is corporate Stalinism. I am alive physically but digitally speaking there has been execution squads across the alt right. There is a great purge going on and they are purging people based on their views.”
If Spencer is unhappy with the move, perhaps he would prefer to move somewhere else and vomit out his poison from there. Antarctica is supposed to be lovely this time of year and we can always hope the cooler climate would moderate Spencer’s raging dislike of anyone the least bit different than him.
Twitter refused to comment on the suspensions, which included the accounts of Paul Town, Pax Dickinson, Ricky Vaughn and John Rivers, saying in an emailed statement to USA Today:
“We don’t comment on individual accounts, for privacy and security reasons.”
Heidi Beirich, spokeswoman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, said her organization has repeatedly asked Twitter to take a harder line on internet users who traffic in hate speech, but “they have done nothing.”
As of this moment, Twitter has finally taken proactive steps to get rid of some the more disturbing residents of their site. And while Spencer and his ilk may try to say this violates their free speech rights, they should keep in mind that they are not entitled to a Twitter account, and if they violate the terms of service for the site, Twitter has every right to remove their accounts.
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org