Even though we’ve known for quite some time now that Donald Trump is a complete idiot who doesn’t have a clue on any variety of topics, the alleged president outdid himself in an interview with the Washington Examiner which was published Monday morning.
Trump is a great admirer of Andrew Jackson, our seventh president, and had this to say about Old Hickory:
“I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn’t have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. He was very angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War, he said, ‘There’s no reason for this.’”
Just one itty bitty problem with that speculation on the part of the so-called head of state: Jackson died in 1845. The Civil War began in 1865.
Sounds like someone would have needed a heater and a couple gallons of smelling salts to get Jackson to join any peace talks.
Twitter wasted no time correcting the historical record and letting Trump know what a complete dolt he is:
@KevinMKruse People don't know this, but Andrew Jackson was a Korean War vet. He fought alongside Frederick Douglass.
— Erin (@doopergirl) May 1, 2017
@doopergirl @KevinMKruse Don't forget, he was also at the crucifixion.
— La Resistance (@Amorphophallus1) May 1, 2017
I'd love to meet the History prof at Trump University!!! Andrew Jackson https://t.co/6pDgej9axv
— GeeGee (@GeeGeeAkili) May 1, 2017
Andrew Jackson is the President who would have cured polio, probably, if he had been an immortal wizard instead of a violently racist man
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) May 1, 2017
@SamGrittner @MikeDrucker "What if FDR had been cured by Andrew Jackson? Boom. No Pearl Harbor."
— Bret Hyde (@BretHyde) May 1, 2017
Trump said Andrew Jackson "had a big heart" which is probably true because of infectious disease and heavy drinking in his youth
— CONWAY TWEETY (@edsbs) May 1, 2017
Whatever you think of Andrew Jackson, he is still the president who got our country through the Bowling Green Massacre.
— Thistallawkwardgirl (@thistallawkgirl) May 1, 2017
@lachlan @KatyTurNBC This sounds like a 3rd grade paper on Andrew Jackson.
— jennifer (@melodychi) May 1, 2017
@jaketapper Next weekend: Historians March on Washington. Led by Ken Burns and Michael Beschloss.
— Indi Montgomery (@indimontgomery) May 1, 2017
"It's embarrassing that intolerant liberals won't hear both sides of whether Andrew Jackson prevented the Civil War."
-The NYT, tomorrow
— Ian Millhiser (@imillhiser) May 1, 2017
He, Frederick Douglass, & Pavarotti are having a super-best friend’s club beer summit at the White House today. https://t.co/eBSXERtwLZ
— Ben (@BenHowe) May 1, 2017
How stupid is Donald Trump? As we learn each day, there is no way to measure the depths of his ignorance.
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org