Deep Left Field

Marco Rubio Claims It’s ‘Good News’ That Young People Are Getting Infected With Coronavirus

Over the last two weeks of July, when many U.S. students returned to school at the insistence of President Donald Trump, more than 97,000 children have tested positive for coronavirus, according to a disturbing new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association, which included data from 49 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and Guam.

But according to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), those numbers are “good news.”

Desperately trying to find a silver lining in the report and news that a school in Georgia has had to shut down for two weeks after 9 students contracted COVID-19, Rubio tweeted out this tone-deaf celebration:

So now it’s a good thing when people test positive for a deadly disease? Republicans are trying to make us believe something terrible is positive. It’s their latest assault on the truth and follows the pattern set by Trump, who has made over 20,000 false or misleading claims since taking office, according to the Washington Post.

Rubio’s absurd tweet drew heavy criticism on social media:

Just when you think Republicans cannot possibly get more utterly clueless and heartless, they lower the bar even further and manage to limbo right under it.