Deep Left Field

McConnell Gets Hilariously Trolled For His Pathetic ‘Looking Out For Middle America’ RNC Speech

On the last night of the Republican National Convention, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made an appearance in the form of a taped address  in which he praised Donald Trump and promised great things would take place in the next four years if Trump manages to get another term in office.

In other words, Moscow Mitch lied.

Part of the speech drew special attention on social media: When McConnell declared that he’s “always looking out for Middle America.” Sure thing, Mitch, and Trump never cheats on his wives, pays off porn stars, compliments Putin, or lies every half-second.

Reaction was swift and harsh, and on-point:

Maybe Mitch needs to retire so he doesn’t have to humiliate himself like he did tonight. But since he clearly has no morals or shame, it’s safe to bet he won’t.