Deep Left Field

McConnell In Free Fall As His Challenger Continues To Kick His A*s In Campaign Fundraising

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is, with the possible exception of Donald Trump, the most disliked Republican in the country, and recent trends in the Bluegrass State suggest that McConnell could be on the verge of losing his Senate seat when the votes are counted later this year.

The bad news came in twos this week for McConnell, who is now tied with his likely Democratic challenger, Amy McGrath, in the latest poll from RMG Group. As Newsweek reported Tuesday, that poll

“Shows McGrath, a former Marine fighter pilot, with the support of 41 percent of voters, while McConnell is backed by 40 percent. However, the polling also showed that when voters are informed that McGrath supports congressional term limits while McConnell does not, her lead over the Republican jumps significantly.

“With the candidates’ positions on term limits factored in, McGrath was backed by 45 percent of respondents, while McConnell was supported by just 30 percent.”

On Saturday came the latest shot across McConnell’s bow, with McGrath raising significantly more money than McConnell, which is almost unheard of for a challenger in a state as deeply red as Kentucky:

“Leading Democratic contender Amy McGrath pulled in $11.3 million to her Senate campaign from April to early June, outraising her prospective opponent, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, by $4.1 million.

“McGrath’s campaign now has $19.3 million in cash on hand, according to a report filed with the Federal Election Commission, compared to the McConnell campaign’s war chest totaling $15.4 million.”

You read that correctly: McGrath now has nearly $4 million more in the bank than McConnell.

Granted, McGrath has primary opposition while McConnell doesn’t, but recent polls show her ahead of her fellow Democrats in the race to boot Mitch to the curb on November 3, and she’s also got much more to spend on the upcoming June 23 primary.

The simple fact is that Mitch McConnell’s bid for another term in office is currently in free fall. He has slipped behind in the polls and now in the money race. And money, as the old saying goes, is the mother’s milk of political campaigns.

A great deal of McGrath’s money has come from outside of Kentucky, and if you’d like to help her in her bid to get rid of McConnell, simply go to her website,, and feel free to give what you can.

Things are looking good for Democrats across the country as we draw closer to November. And what could possibly be better than Donald Trump losing while his Senate enabler Mitch McConnell is given the boot, too?