Shortly after President Donald Trump announced he would nominate Amy Coney Barrett to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the U.S. Supreme Court, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he would start confirmation hearings for Barrett on October 12 and hopes to have a final vote out of the committee by October 15, which would be the fastest confirmation of a justice in modern history.
But while Graham’s assurances no doubt delighted the White House, they’re not playing well back in the Palmetto State, where new polls show the incumbent senator is falling behind his Democratic challenger, Jaime Harrison, among the public and in campaign cash with just a few days remaining until Election Day, Forbes reports:
“In an internal poll of 608 likely South Carolina voters conducted by Harvard University fellow Cornell Belcher for the Harrison campaign, Graham trails Harrison by 2 points, 43% to 45%.
“Meanwhile, a CBS news/YouGov poll of likely voters has Graham leading by 1 point, with 45% to Harrison’s 44%.
“Driving Harrison’s lead in the internal poll is a poor approval rating for Graham, with 55% of voters saying they disapprove of the job he is doing and 58% saying it’s time to elect someone new, compared to 32% who say Graham deserves re-election.”
Be sure and note that 55% of voters say they disapprove of Graham and 58% say it’s time to elect someone new. Those are the sort of numbers that terrify incumbent political figures because they prove the public isn’t falling for their claims of taking care of the folks back home.
Ironically, Graham’s close connection to Trump is also doing him damage:
“Both Graham and President Trump have shown signs of unique weakness in the Palmetto State, which typically elects Republicans by double digit margins; Graham led by 1 point in a Morning Consult poll released last week, while Trump led by 6.”
Trump only leads by 6 points in a state as deep red as South Carolina? That alone tells you the GOP is in big trouble as the election draws closer.
And then there’s the dearth of money Graham is facing compared to Harrison:
“Harrison, a former South Carolina Democratic Party Chair and DNC associate chair, has raised enormous sums, having already spent nearly $23 million with another $15.5 million in cash, compared to $7.9 million spent and $1.9 million in cash for Graham, according to Politico.”
The only question that remains for Lindsey Graham is this one: Was it worth losing your Senate seat just so you could be Trump’s favorite lapdog?
The voters need to think about what sort of other deceptions Graham has tried to hide like the tax of the bankrupt liar. Maybe he has been given some big handouts to keep his mouth shut and work the system to save the trumps scandals. Wow what an insult to the taxpayers Well done those investigative amazing reports. wow wow wee wow wow. Interesting how the trump asked Ruddy and Chris Christie about the Catholic Priests, What he was asking!! was did they know anything about the exposure of his taxes! How serious before he started the sweats. I read between trump and his asking them while he was in shock horror and asking if they knew anything gulping for air while soiling himself.