Newt Gingrich Just ADMITTED That Donald Trump’s Economic Plan Is Total B.S

It’s been a rough week for GOP nominee Donald Trump. From his criticisms of a Gold Star family who lost their son in Iraq to his falling poll numbers, Trump has had one of the worst weeks of any candidate in modern memory.

And now we have a Trump ally, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, saying on Fox News that Trump’s economic plan for massive tax cuts doesn’t add up and is total bullshit.

Appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” Gingrich was asked by host Chris Wallace if the Donald’s tax and spending plans add up. And Gingrich quickly replied:

“Of course not. Historically, no candidates have numbers that add up.”

Ouch! That’s gotta sting. Especially when it comes from someone who says they support you and kissed your ass for months in the hopes of securing the running mate slot on the Republican ticket.

In the week ahead, according to Stephen Moore, who is an economic adviser to the GOP nominee, Trump will unveil a gigantic tax cut. Moore told Bloomberg Television:

“If you’re a working-class American, there’s no question that an agenda that cuts taxes, that gets rids of regulations, redoes some of these trade deals in ways that are pro-America, is going to help.”

And yet even Fox News has estimated that Trump’s plan for massive tax cuts would add $11.2 trillion to the national debt, and that the lion’s share of the fueled by tax cuts would go to the wealthy. The federal debt owed to the public currently stands at $12.8 trillion, so adding another $11.2 would be an increase of 87 percent. As with all things Trumpian, the lies just get bigger the longer he talks.

Donald Trump and his trickle-down disciple economic advisers have nothing but more of the same failed economic policies which nearly cast this country into a depression in 2008. They have no shame, and they could care less about working-class people or anyone who has less than $100 million in net worth. They are modern-day robber barons, and their new self-appointed king is one Donald J. Trump.

This article was originally published by the same author at Liberal

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