Newt Gingrich Reveals What The ‘Trump Diet’ Consists Of, And It’s Enough To Give You Cardiac Arrest

Donald Trump is not a healthy man, mentally or physically.

On the mental health side, President Trump is a pathological liar, a textbook narcissist, and a sociopath. He cares for no one but himself and his family. Everyone else can go to hell.

Physically, the president is clearly overweight, doesn’t exercise, and has the diet of a teenager. He admits that he loves fast food. And now we have confirmation of that from a book written by Newt Gingrich entitled Understanding Trump. On the subject of what Trump eats, the former Speaker of the House writes:

“Anytime a meal was served when I flew with candidate Trump aboard his nicely outfitted 757, it was invariably McDonald’s, Wendy’s, or a similar fast food.”

A 71-year-old man who eats fast food all the time. Does that sound healthy to you?

Time magazine recently did a profile of President Trump and noted this about his eating habits at the White House:

“As he settles down, they bring him a Diet Coke, while the rest of us are served water, with the Vice President sitting at one end of the table. With the salad course, Trump is served what appears to be Thousand Island dressing instead of the creamy vinaigrette for his guests. When the chicken arrives, he is the only one given an extra dish of sauce. At the dessert course, he gets two scoops of vanilla ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, instead of the single scoop for everyone else.”

Thousand Island dressing is loaded with sugar and high in cholesterol. It may well be the most unhealthy of all salad dressings. And chocolate cream pie with two scoops of ice cream tells you that not only does the president need the selfish assurance that he has more than anyone else at the table, but that he also has a major sweet tooth he regularly indulges. Hello diabetes!

Impeachment may not be necessary. Trump may remove himself from office by way of a massive heart attack or stroke. No wonder Mike Pence is working so hard to stay in shape.

7 thoughts on “Newt Gingrich Reveals What The ‘Trump Diet’ Consists Of, And It’s Enough To Give You Cardiac Arrest

  1. Feed the steaming pile of SHIT massive helpings of carbs, sugars, sodium, fatty foods, greasy meats, ,,, may he have a massive coronary and stroke and may he be partially paralyzed such that he drools, cannot speak clearly, can’t walk and shits himself. May he be found mentally incompetent but place him in a place where the news is on loud 3 screens all the time, and he can’t change the channels.

  2. It is his life to do with as he pleases. However his life pleases him not but he is too mentally ill to figure out how to change things. He has never developed self control, not in his business dealings, his truth or lying, or….anything he does. So failure to control his diet is not a surprise.

  3. Maybe all of us should find out what his favorite cookies, chips, and candies are, and then start sending him boxes full of the stuff. If we can speed up his self distruction process we may not have to wait for them to impeach him.

  4. I am a physical fitness believer, and I preach to my Christian friends about the words of St. Paul, “…the body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit”, and his applies not only to fornication but to diet. We must maintain our temple! I am not really a Christian, being a not-very-devout-Jew.

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