Though the election was only eight days ago, it appears the majority of those polled are both incredibly surprised Donald Trump won, and they’re also not the least bit happy with the prospect of four years with him in the Oval Office. Too bad they didn’t all realize that sooner and vote for Hillary Clinton.
A new HuffPost/YouGov poll shows that forty-three percent of respondents feel positively about Trump’s victory while 26 percent are enthusiastic and 17 percent are satisfied. Fifty-two percent are negative with 15 percent saying they are dissatisfied, and 37 percent calling themselves upset.
Not surprisingly, the divisions based on party preference are striking. Eighty-seven percent of Republicans say they’re satisfied with the election, while 86 percent of Democrats say they’re either dissatisfied or upset. Independents are split, with 44 percent reacting positively and 46 percent reacting negatively.
Most of those surveyed didn’t expect Trump to win the election. Sixty-nine percent of Americans say they’re somewhat surprised that Trump won, with 42 percent saying they are very surprised. Only 12 percent said they aren’t at all surprised by the GOP nominee’s victory.
The question that remains, however, is how in the world did the vast majority of all the polls miss the surge for Trump in the final days of the campaign. To that, analysts at Pew Research commented:
“Because we can’t know in advance who is actually going to vote, pollsters develop models predicting who is going to vote and what the electorate will look like on Election Day. This is a notoriously difficult task, and small differences in assumptions can produce sizable differences in election predictions. We may find that the voters that pollsters were expecting, particularly in the Midwestern and Rust Belt states that so defied expectations, were not the ones that showed up. Because many traditional likely-voter models incorporate measures of enthusiasm into their calculus, 2016’s distinctly unenthused electorate – at least on the Democratic side – may have also wreaked some havoc with this aspect of measurement.”
Whoever turns out their voters wins. It’s always been that way in any election. Some things don’t change, no matter the year or the candidates.
This article was originally published by the same author at