It’s nice to have friends. And it’s even better when one of your friends is President Obama, because he always delivers in a time of need. Don’t believe me? Just ask Hillary Clinton. The President was in Philadelphia today to campaign on her behalf while she recovers from pneumonia.
While speaking in Philly, the President managed to get some of the best one-liners out there yet when it comes to Donald Trump.
Trump as defender of the middle class:
“He’s trying to spend most of his life staying as far away from working people as he could, He’s not going to let you into his golf course… and suddenly he’s going to be your champion?”
Trump and Vladimir Putin, The Man Crush:
“The Donald last week went on Russian state television to talk down our military and curry favor with Vladimir Putin. I have to do business with Putin, but I don’t go around calling him my role model.”
Trump is the 2016 Debbie Downer:
“Ronald Reagan called America a shining city on the hill. Donald Trump calls it a divided crime scene.”
The Donald J. Trump Foundation:
Commenting on the $20,000 six-foot tall painting of himself that Trump bought at an auction with other people’s contributions, Obama said:
“He had the taste not to go for the 10-foot version.”
Trump is qualified to be POTUS because he’s successful at business?
“America’s got a lot of businessmen and women who have succeeded without hiding their taxes returns, or leaving a trail of lawsuits, workers who didn’t get paid, people feeling like they got cheated.”
Yes, it is indeed good to have friends, and it’s even better that we have such an awesome President leading us at this time in history. Well done, Mr. President!
Here’s the speech. The President begins speaking at about the 10 minute mark:
h/t RawStory
we gotta do our part in this years election.
Clinton/Kaine 2016…