Deep Left Field

Report: Putin’s Collection Of Congressional Puppets Existed Long Before Installing Trump

At about the same time Donald Trump Jr. was meeting with several Russians in June of 2016, a new report suggests that a Republican member of Congress from California had already begun to do the bidding of the Kremlin in an effort to get sanctions modified or lessened.

According to The Daily Beast

“After being given a secret document by officials in Moscow, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher sought to alter sanctions legislation and tried to set up a virtual show trial on Capitol Hill.”

And the timing of Rohrabacher’s actions? June of 2016, about the same time that Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and then-campaign manager Paul Manafort were meeting with Russian officials at Trump Tower for the purpose of giving the Trump campaign damaging information about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

The original plan, according to The Daily Beast, was to stage a “show trial” of anti-Putin campaigner Bill Browder during which Rohrabacher intended to:

“Confront Browder with a feature-length pro-Kremlin propaganda movie that viciously attacks him—as well as at least two witnesses linked to the Russian authorities, including lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.”

And the purpose of this Kremlin-orchestrated show trial? To try and undermine sanctions placed on Russia that were named after Sergei Magnitsky, who served as Browder’s tax attorney before he imprisoned after exposing a Russian corruption scandal. Magnitsky died in custody just eight days before he was scheduled to be released.

The report also notes:

“Rohrabacher’s office was given the film by the Prosecutor General’s office in Moscow, which is run by Yuri Chaika, a close associate of President Vladimir Putin who is accused of widespread corruption, and Viktor Grin, the deputy general prosecutor who has been sanctioned by the United States as part of the Magnitsky Act. That same Prosecutor General’s office also was listed as being behind the “very high level and sensitive information” that was offered to Donald Trump Jr. in an email prior to his now infamous meeting with Russian officials at Trump Tower on June 9—just days before the congressional hearing.”

Don’t be the least bit surprised if when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases the report of his investigation, numerous Republicans in Congress are named as co-conspirators. The attack by Russia on the United States has been going on for years now. And it may be more widespread than we could have ever imagined in our darkest fears.

This article was originally published by the same author at