Deep Left Field

REVEALED: More Trump Lawsuits; The Total Number Is Staggering!

It was established a long time ago that Donald Trump is one of the most litigious people on the face of the planet. He files suit at the drop of a hat, and he has also been sued hundreds of times.

But thanks to some excellent investigative reporting by “USA Today,” we now know the total number of lawsuits Trump has been a party to in one manner or another is above 4,000. Yes, you read that correctly: 4,000, and 2016 is only halfway over with, so expect that total to rise.

What kind of lawsuits are we talking about? Take a look at what was uncovered:

We want this guy in the Oval Office? Hell, he’d probably order the FBI to intimidate witnesses in cases against him! Or he’d just send a drone to track them down and vaporize them.

We want this guy in the Oval Office? Hell, he’d probably order the FBI to intimidate witnesses in cases against him! Or he’d just send a drone to track them down and vaporize them.

As Trump proves on a daily, almost hourly basis, he is temperamentally unfit to be President of the United States. A person this thin-skinned, this wrapped up in the court system which he would then control through appointments to the federal bench, has no place as the chief executive of this country.

And if you need another reason Trump should never be President, here’s a simple one: He’s also a raging asshole.

Case closed!

This article was originally published by the same author at