Sarah Palin Weighs In On Bill O’Reilly…And Blames The Victims! (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin, along with her fellow idiots Kid Rock and Ted Nugent, visited the White House on Thursday, and even had dinner with the Liar-in-Chief. One wonders what the four brainless dolts talked about once the topics of guns, monster truck rallies, and who could see Russia from their house were exhausted.

Palin also did an interview with Jake Tapper on CNN’s The Lead, and was asked if she experienced sexual assault while a contributor to Fox News. To that question, Palin replied:

“I think the key there is that I used to be with Fox. The corporate culture there obviously has to change. Women don’t deserve, they shouldn’t have to put up with any intimidating workspace.”

But then a few seconds later the half-term Alaska governor directly contradicted herself and decided to blame women who are the victims of sexual assault or sexual harassment in the workplace:

“If a woman believes that she is being intimidating and harassed, she needs to stand up and do something about it and not stick around for a paycheck for years and years and years, and then after the fact complain about what she went through.”

What if the woman is a single mother and depends on the money and healthcare benefits she receives at the job in question where she’s being harassed? What if she’s afraid of retribution, or even violence if she reports the incident?

Palin then decided to reverse herself again and try to soften what she’d just said by declaring:

“As a strong woman, I say we should feel more empowered than that and take a stand and get out of the place and blow the whistle on the perpetrator doing the bad stuff so that the culture will change.”

True enough, but it would be nice if Palin took into consideration what professor Anita Hill–who claimed that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had harassed her on numerous occasions when they worked at the EEOC–has to say on the matter:

“The problem with sexual harassment isn’t just because people behave badly. The problem is our inability to develop productive responses to it, and that exists because of our culture that accepts it, because that culture then gets built into how we approach solutions to it.

“It gets built into the choices we make about who can be believed. And even when we find sexual harassment exists, the solutions are very often to move the women who have complained to other positions.”

So the woman being harassed winds up being blamed, and punished, for the actions of the perpetrator.

And once again, Palin proves that what she knows about the real world can fit into a thimble with plenty of room left over.

This article was originally published by the same author at

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