The Republican Party is in the process of ripping itself apart. The evidence is everywhere, and it seems each day brings more examples of just how deeply fractured the GOP has become.
Monday, during a routine press conference, Governor Haley was asked about a column written by the always spiteful and hate-filled Ann Coulter. In that column, Coulter had defended the offensive remarks of GOP nominee Donald Trump about the parents of Humayun Khan, a Muslim-American Army captain killed by a suicide bomber in Iraq in 2004. Trump, you may recall, said that he too had “sacrificed” for his country, though he was unable to explain how. Specifically, Coulter wrote this nugget of nauseating tripe:
“Muslim troops accounted for 0.2 percent of all U.S. troop deaths in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Southerners accounted for 38 percent of those killed in Iraq and 47 percent in Afghanistan.
“What has South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley ‘sacrificed’ compared to the families of these men? How about Nikki put their flag back up? The Confederate flag won’t lead to thousands of dead and maimed Americans, as Muslim immigration does.”
It only took Haley three words to mock and totally dismiss Coulter in true Southern fashion. Her response to Coulter:
“Bless her heart.”
Having been born and raised in the Deep South–Georgia–allow me to explain what the phrase means when used in this context: Saying “bless his/her heart” is a way of saying how pathetic a person is and how much you feel for their massive ignorance and stupidity. So Nikki Haley only needed these three words to verbally slap down Ann Coulter. That’s what I call economical.