If you hadn’t noticed (and how could you possibly not see it?), Joe Scarborough, the host of the MSNBC show “Morning Joe” has a major man crush on Donald Trump. He is constantly kissing Trump’s ass, yet when anyone dares to point this out, Joe gets his feelings hurt and starts shrieking on social media, which is also Trump’s favored means of sending out barbs.
Here’s the perfect example: Media critic and New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen happened to make this post on Twitter:
@HerbScribner I don't have a problem with @JoeNBC being the Trump-friendly morning show. But when called that, own up to it. He wouldn't.
— Jay Rosen (@jayrosen_nyu) March 8, 2016
That’s a fair commentary, but the way Scarborough reacted, you would have thought Rosen accused him of sacrificing children on an altar in his back yard:
Jay, do your job and stop shopping around generalities on Twitter. You're supposed to be better than that. https://t.co/AGp1sxSKr6
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) March 8, 2016
Asking of Trump's Muslim ban, "Is this what Germany looked like in 1933?" hardly seems like the Trump friendly pose. https://t.co/AGp1sxSKr6
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) March 8, 2016
Also compare our Trump Townhall with CNNs. Not a close call on who was "Trump friendly." https://t.co/E1l04UvjjO https://t.co/AGp1sxSKr6
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) March 8, 2016
Asking of Trump's Muslim ban, "Is this what Germany looked like in 1933?" hardly seems like the Trump friendly pose. https://t.co/AGp1sxSKr6
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) March 8, 2016
Maybe you missed where I called his David Duke answer "disqualifying"https://t.co/EyUrfCIw6I https://t.co/AGp1sxSKr6
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) March 8, 2016
I expect lazy generalizations and cherry picking from tweeters. I'd expect more from you. https://t.co/AGp1sxSKr6
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) March 8, 2016
Find another morning news host 1/compared the Muslim ban to '33 Germany 2/said his Duke comments were "disqualifying https://t.co/AGp1sxSKr6
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) March 8, 2016
I'm transparent when it comes to my support. I was going to vote for Jeb & told viewers, as I am with Kasich now. https://t.co/AGp1sxSKr6
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) March 8, 2016
Finally and mercifully someone stepped in and told Joe to STFU:
@JoeNBC @jayrosen_nyu @HerbScribner In the immortal words of Frozen, "Let it go."
— Mary Beth Schneider (@marybschneider) March 8, 2016
But Scarborough refused:
You feel free to "let it go" when people who should know better mischaracterize your work. I won't let that go. https://t.co/lF3HNVfdIY
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) March 8, 2016
As the Bard once wrote: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Yeah, we’re looking right at ya, Joe!
I have seen Joe Scarborough criticize Trump. He supported Jeb and then Kasich. When Trump calls he doesn’t exactly do a Tim Russert on him, not by a long shot. But they don’t do that to their other guests. Seems like they want people to do interviews on their show, so they throw softballs at everybody. He has been VERY critical of Hillary’s e-mails, and I don’t think he’s balanced in this.
I stopped watching Morning Joe due to how both Joe and Mika coddled
Trump. Early on they allowed him to go on and on and on without pushing back. They have been unmerciful toward Hillary regarding
emails and Benghazi. I can’t take either one at their word anymore. I don’t trust their reporting and I hate
how Joe cuts guests off when he does not agree with what they say or corrects them. I am thinking their show won’t last and I sincerely hope it won’t- I was thoroughly disgusted
by their bias toward trump.
If you don’t think Joe & Mika are ‘in bed” with trump then you haven’t been watching Morning Joe!!! If you have been watching MJ you know they have dealt with trump much like Fox has with outright lies, criticizem of those that disagree with them! They have compromised most all their guest, i.e. so called journalist & politicians.
They deny their relationship with trump much like trump denies his relationship with putin! They don’t dwell that much on all the sinful, crooked & slanderous things trump has said and done! ONE question………..Joe was so sure of himself regarding trumps “PATH” to victory, more than anyone else and contrary to polls! WHY, HOW, what did he know that we didn’t know?