Ever since Donald Trump became president, members of his administration have been all over cable news telling us about the tremendous danger posed by Islamic terrorism, both at home and around the world. Granted, it is indeed a problem, but is it the only form of terrorism we have to be on the lookout for in the United States?
According to White House adviser Sebastian Gorka, we have nothing to fear from right-wing acts of terrorism, because right-wing terrorists don’t exist.
During an appearance on MSNBC Tuesday, Gorka said only Muslim extremists had carried out terrorist acts in America, adding:
“There’s no such thing as a lone wolf, you do know that. That was a phrase invented by the last administration to make Americans stupid.”
Whereas Gorka and the White House he works for came to us already stupid.
When host Stephanie Ruhle tried to ask a question, the always rude Gorka interrupted her:
“Let me finish. There never been a serious attack or a serious plot that was unconnected from ISIS or al-Qaeda, at least through the ideology and TTPs, tactics and training and techniques and procedures, that they supply through the internet — never happened, it’s bogus.”
That’s total bullshit. Apparently Gorka has never heard of Oklahoma City, where 168 people–including 19 children– were murdered by right-wing extremist Timothy McVeigh. Or what about Dylann Roof, who gunned down nine people at a Bible study just because they were African-American? Both acts are the very definition of terrorism.
Gorka then went on to beat the drum for what the administration is supposedly doing to defeat terror around the world:
“This is an international global threat. What we have to do now is is not only destroy organizations like ISIS, which we are doing — they will be annihilated — but also delegitimize the ideology so it will be become as heinous and reject as fascism and Nazism is today. That black flag of ISIS has to be globally rejected like the swastika and we’ll work with Muslim partners to overtly and covertly delegitimize their message. That’s the definition of victory — when people don’t want to become jihadis, that’s when we’ll have one.”
Asked about a recent attack on a mosque in Minnesota, Gorka downplayed the incident:
“There’s a great rule (that) all initial reports are false. You have to check them, you find out who the perpetrators are. We’ve have a series of crimes committed, alleged hate crimes by right-wing individuals, in the last six months to that turned out to have actually been propagated by the left, so let’s wait and see — let’s allow the local authorities to provide their assessment and then the White House will make its comments.”
Sure they will. Don’t expect to hear a damn thing from Gorka, Trump, or anyone else in this administration. Because according to their perverse logic, a Muslim can only be a suspect, not a victim.
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org