Conservative Newspaper Rips Trump Apart For His Monumental Incompetence As POTUS

If there’s one thing that has become painfully clear in the weeks since the coronavirus crisis first took hold in the United States, it’s that the current president doesn’t have a clue how to effectively protect the American people from a virus that has already claimed the lives of almost 100,000 people. Things have gotten […]

Trump Tried To Blame Obama For His Own Virus Testing Failures – It Blew Up In His Face

Poor Donald Trump! He’s screwed up the federal response to the novel coronavirus, the economy is in the crapper, and his approval rating is at its lowest level since he took office. Of course, as it always the case, nothing is ever the Donald’s fault. And he proved that again today at the White House […]

Trump’s Coronavirus Poll Bounce Evaporates As Voters Say He’s Failing In His Duties

A week ago, Donald Trump was riding high when it came to how the American public perceived his handling of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic which has left over 4.600 Americans dead and another 209,000 infected with the often lethal disease. Specifically, a Gallup tracking poll showed that 49 percent of those surveyed approved of the […]

Hillary Just Said What We’ve All Been Thinking About Trump’s Handling Of The COVID-19 Crisis

Today we learned that Donald Trump is planning to pretend the COVID-19 crisis is all gone as soon as Easter, maybe sooner, not because the danger will be gone, but because he’s terrified of losing in November if the economy goes down the tubes, which it very likely will no matter what he does. Keep […]