Ted Cruz Just Tweeted That If Hillary Wins, There Will Be ‘Mandated Sex Change Operations’

If you needed any further proof that the entire Republican Party has lost its freaking mind and utterly jumped the shark, this should suffice: Ted Cruz sent out a tweet which linked to a column by Daniel Horowitz which ran in the Conservative Review with the title, “Why conservatives will need a new party if/when […]

WATCH: Unhinged O’Reilly Declares, Trans Rights Are A Move ‘To Wipe Out Gender’

The latest nonsense to bellow forth from the mouth of Fox News host Bill O’Reilly is that transgender equality–in the form of allow trans Americans to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with–is an assault on the rights of “traditional” families. On his show last night, O’Reilly was discussing the issue with Kirsten […]

AT LAST! Alabama Chief Justice Suspended For Failing To Obey Ruling On Same-Sex Marriage

At long last, some justice has finally been served on the highest court official in the state of Alabama. On Friday, the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Roy Moore, was suspended by the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission, which also filed ethics charges against Moore. Moore will now be tried by the Alabama Court of the […]

WATCH: Lesbian Kicked Out Of Women’s Restroom Because She ‘Looks Like A Boy’

Legislators in states that have recently passed so-called “bathroom bills” claim their only concern is the safety of the public. They allege that sexual predators will try to gain access to the wrong public bathroom even though they have no proof of this happening. Trust us, they say. This is all in the interest of […]

Wisconsin Now Has A State Supreme Court Justice Who Once Mocked ‘Queers’ Who Get AIDS

Last night in Wisconsin, as Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders were winning for their respective parties by double-digit margins, another person was also elected to serve on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Her name is Rebecca Bradley, and some of the things she has said in the past about LGBT residents of the state need to […]

Potential Voter Tells Ted Cruz She’s Gay–Wait Until You See His Reaction!

Ted Cruz is not known for being the most open-minded fellow in the world. He tends to have some incredibly objectionable opinions on lots of matters, and is never shy about publicly expressing them. No doubt to the hardcore conservative wing of the GOP, what Cruz says is very popular. But it leaves the rest […]

WATCH A Woman Confront Ben Carson On His Claim That People Choose To Be Gay

On more than one occasion, 2016 GOP contender Ben Carson has said that he believes being gay is a matter of choice. In other words, people choose to be gay; they are not born that way. This flies in the face of evidence to the contrary, but Carson has to keep the extreme right-wing Republicans […]

Denver Says ‘No’ To Allowing Chick-Fil-A In Airport Due To Company’s Bigoted History

The Denver City Council has blocked–at least temporarily–the addition of a Chick-Fil-A restaurant at Denver International Airport because of the company’s well-known stance on the issue of same-sex marriage and LGBT equality. Councilman Paul Lopez called opposition to the chain being allowed to operate at the airport: “Truly a moral issue.” Robin Kniech, the council’s […]

Walmart Being Sued For Denying Health Insurance Benefits To Gay Employee’s Wife

Walmart, the largest retailer in the United States, is being sued in federal court for denying health insurance benefits to the spouses of gay employees, which the suit claims violated gender discrimination laws. The lawsuit, which has been filed in U.S. District Court in Boston, is also seeking to gain nationwide class-action status. The lawsuit has […]

Alabama Chief Justice Claims Satan Made Supreme Court ‘Destroy The Institution Of God’ (Video)

You might think the Chief Justice of a state Supreme Court would have enough decorum and good taste to keep his comments in check. But if you know anything at all about Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, then you know that’s impossible for an asshat of his magnitude. Still smarting over the U.S. Supreme Court’s […]