‘Ticking Economic Time Bomb’ May Destroy What Remains Of Trump’s Fading Reelection Prospects

As he continues to flail around searching for a message, Donald Trump is clearly aware that the one issue he thought would be his ticket to a second term in office — a strong economy — is evaporating by the day, and could wind up being his biggest Achilles’ heel, the very thing that destroys […]

Trump’s Approval Rating On The Economy Has Collapsed By 15 Points – In One Month!

More bad news arrived Wednesday for the Trump reelection campaign, and it came in the form of a poll which shows that the president’s so-called signature issue — the economy — has now become a liability for him. The latest Quinnipiac University poll shows that not only is Trump underwater with his approval rating on […]

Turns Out Trump’s ‘Great Jobs Report’ Was Just Another Of His Giant Honking Lies

In the Rose Garden on Friday morning, Donald Trump simply couldn’t resist taking a victory lap and patting himself on the back when the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that 2.5 million jobs had been added in May, lowering the unemployment rate, he crowed, to 13.3 percent as the U.S. economy began to emerge from […]

73% Of Americans Say Donald Trump Has Destroyed The U.S. Economy

Donald Trump had his reelection campaign all planned out. Since he knew he would never be able to convince a majority of American voters that he was maturing as a leader, he’d just keep talking about how strong the U.S. economy was. Or, as he has so often bragged, “The greatest economy in the history […]