Late Friday evening, news broke that Kurt Volker, who had served as special envoy for Ukraine, had suddenly resigned from the Trump administration. The Washington Post noted:
“That committee has set a hearing for Thursday for Volker, one of several officials whose interactions with Trump or Ukrainian officials are outlined in a whistleblower complaint.”
As the special envoy to Ukraine, Volker tried for months to set up a meeting between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. That means that Volker likely knows details about Trump’s dealings with Ukraine and is also familiar with Trump’s attempt to trade $400 million in military aid for dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, who have been cleared of any wrongdoing regarding business dealings the younger Biden had in Ukraine.
And since Volker has insider information, he can potentially implicate his boss, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and others in the administration, including Trump. Pompeo was subpoenaed by three congressional committees on Friday for documents related to the impeachment inquiry which was formally initiated earlier this week.
Former CIA Russian operations chief Steve Hall remarked Saturday on CNN that Volker could wind up being a star witness for the impeachment inquiry:
“With Giuliani’s involvement and president saying what he did to the newly elected, very inexperienced president of Ukraine, it seems to me — and hopefully we will hear from him to discuss further what his thinking process was — it seems to me he just said ‘Look, this is kind of a mess and I don’t know that I want to be a part of it.’”
Hall also added:
“We’ll find out whether there’s any more of that or what (Volker’s) willing to say about the work he was doing either with Giuliani, or perhaps around or despite Giuliani. We need to hear more from him about that. It will be very interesting to see what he says.”
It certainly will. And if Volker can shed more light on exactly what Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Pompeo, and others in the administration did to further the Ukraine conspiracy and cover-up, he may wind up being the key to unwinding the facts that will all but guarantee articles of impeachment are drawn up against Donald Trump.
Mr. Volker, you now have the floor.