We all realize that Donald Trump is one of the most disgusting and reprehensible human beings to ever roam the face of the earth, but on Monday he officially entered the Racist Hall of Fame with the way he treated a journalist who showed up to interview the presumptive GOP nominee.
Freelance journalist Marcos Stupenengo is originally from Argentina, and he had already been admitted to the inner sanctum of Trump Tower and been approved conduct an interview with Trump for TV Azteca. But as Stupenengo was waiting for Trump, the reporter took a phone call and began speaking in Spanish to the person on the other end of the line. No sooner had Stupenengo hung up the phone when the Trump campaign told him there would be no interview and he would have to leave the premises immediately. As Buzzfeed reports:
“But as he waited to conduct the interview, Stupenengo received a call, and began speaking in Spanish. That’s when the Trump campaign informed him they had no interest in taking part in an interview with him, according to a source with knowledge of the incident.”
The Secret Service then escorted Stupenengo out of Trump Tower, and one agent reportedly apologized to him, saying he “didn’t know what was happening.”
Afterwards, Stupenengo had this to say about the incident:
“I can say that after 13 years of journalism worse things have happened to me.”
When the Trump campaign was contacted for comment, they flat-out lied, which is a familiar pattern in Trumpland. Spokesperson Hope Hicks commented:
“There was no interview scheduled. We do not know this individual or anything about the alleged situation.”
Trump has a rocky relationship with the media, which he needs to spread his message for free, but he blanches when they dare to ask him real questions. Here he is in 2015 telling Jorge Ramos of Univision to sit down. He then had security eject Ramos from the press conference:
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org.
He is a coward in addition to being a racist.