Despite evidence to the contrary, our so-called president has repeatedly said that “I’m, like, a smart person.” So smart that he’s even bragged he graduated at the top of his class from Pennsylvania University’s Wharton School of Business.
And now we learn that too is a giant lie.
According to a report from The Daily Pennsylvanian, academic records and the recollections of his classmates show that yet again Trump was engaging in what has now become known as “alternative facts,” which the rest of us call lies:
“Penn records and Trump’s classmates dispute this claim. In 1968, The Daily Pennsylvanian published a list of the 56 students who were on the Wharton Dean’s List that year — Trump’s name is not among them.”
The newspaper also found a program from the graduation of the Class of 1968 that listed:
“20 Wharton award and prize recipients, 15 cum laude recipients, four magna cum laude recipients and two summa cum laude recipients for the Class of 1968. Trump’s name appears nowhere on those lists.
“Given that there are 366 listed 1968 Wharton graduates on QuakerNet, Penn’s alumni database, the Dean’s List of 56 students represents approximately the top 15 percent of the class. The omission of Trump’s name suggests that his academic record at Penn was not as outstanding as he has claimed.”
And that’s not the only lie the alleged president has told about his academic background. He also says he has an MBA from Wharton, but Newsweek’s Kurt Eichewald has proven that Trump never enrolled in post-graduate studies at Wharton and only enrolled in the undergraduate program for two years, transferring in as a junior.
Classmate Louis Calomaris had this to say about Trump:
“He was not an intellectual man, but that wasn’t what his goal was. He’s not an intellectual now, [and] that’s pretty obvious.”
Some things never change.
This article was originally published by the same author at
And he has the nerve to say that President Obama never went to Harvard..