Trump Says Of Terrifying Nuke Tweet: ‘Let It Be An Arms Race!’

On Thursday, Donald Trump sent shock waves across the world with one posting on Twitter:

This morning, rather than attempt to calm any jitters he might have caused with such a disturbing announcement, Trump called in to the MSNBC show Morning Joe and told the hosts:

“Let it be an arms race, we will outlast them at every pass.”

Yes, we now have Dr. Strangelove as President-elect.

Both Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski said they believe Trump does indeed intend to start a nuclear arms race as soon as he’s inaugurated.

David Ignatius of the Washington Post, who was also a guest on Morning Joe, said the new comments from Trump are even more disturbing than the initial tweet, adding:

“You can create space, but the space is then there to be able to negotiate, not to throw more wood on the fire. If you say, ‘What I really do want is an arms race,’ you’re going to lose the country. The country doesn’t want another arms race.”

But the right-wing nutjobs advising Trump–most notably VP Mike Pence and National Security Adviser Michael Flynn–operate from a purely apocalyptic view of the world. They are convinced the United States is meant to directly confront every threat with overwhelming force, even if that means the use of nuclear weapons against a terrorist group such as ISIS which technically has no fixed address.

Make no mistake: Donald Trump is a threat to the national security of the United States, and the world. Just the fact that he will soon have access to the nuclear codes should worry every person on the globe.

This article was originally published by the same author at

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