Trump Supporters Now Claiming He Contracted COVID After Someone ‘Planted It’ On Him

On Saturday, we learned that President Donald Trump had endured a difficult 24 hours since first being diagnosed with COVID-19 and eventually taken to Walter Reed Army Hospital on Friday evening, with his doctors seeming to suggest that the president had been on supplemental oxygen during the night but was no longer receiving help with his breathing.

However, White House sources told CBS News that things were not going as well as the administration would have the public believe:

But despite all of those facts, Trump supporters in St. Joseph, Missouri, told Chris McGreal of The Guardian that someone “planted” coronavirus on the president.

Sean Patterson, a truck driver, remarked:

“If he’s sick, then they planted it when they tested him. It’s what they did to me when I went to hospital for my heart beating too fast. Two weeks later I got a cold. It’s political. I don’t trust the US government at all. Who are they to mandate personal safety? I listen to Trump.”

How can one possibly argue with such brilliant logic?

Karen White voted for the president in 2016 and admitted she wished he hadn’t been so cavalier when it came to taking precautions that might have prevented him from getting infected:

“I agreed with the president that it was wrong to shut down the country because of coronavirus.The damage to our economy was just too great. But he was wrong to question masks. I wish he hadn’t done it. He made things worse and now I have to wonder if he would even have it if he had just listened to what his own advisers were saying.”

Translation: Sure, it’s a deadly disease, but just because thousands of people are dying is no reason to shut things down in an effort to control the spread of the virus.

Will White vote for Trump again in November? She says she has no choice, because she’s terrified of socialism:

“I will vote for him again. I still think he’s better for the country. If Biden becomes president he will be under the control of the socialists.”

Let the death and pain continue, according to the Trump faithful. As long as the country remains open and we can continue to fear for our very lives whenever we leave the house. 207,000 dead Americans is just the price we have to pay to keep predatory capitalism in place.

If Trump acolytes weren’t so damn willfully ignorant, you’d almost feel sorry for them. But much like their political savior, their cruelty and heartlessness places them beyond any form of redemption.

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