Deep Left Field

Twitter DESTROYS Donald Trump With New Hashtag: #TrumperTantrum

Now we know that Donald Trump is indeed a whiny little infant of a man who cannot stand to lose. He has spent the past 48 hours accusing Ted Cruz of cheating in order to win the Iowa caucus. Here’s he is with his conspiracy theory of the moment:

For their part, the Cruz campaign was equal to the task and fired back at Trump with this statement:

“Reality has hit the reality star. Since Iowa, no one is talking about Donald Trump. That’s why he’s popping off on Twitter. There are Twitter addiction therapy groups, and he should check in with his local chapter.”

But who better to level the karma and ego of the bully with delusions of grandeur than the Twitter users he seems to tailor his bon mots for. A new hashtag has even been created specifically for the man with a dead hamster on his head: #TrumperTantrum, and the early postings under that new hashtag are nothing short of epic. Take a look and laugh along with me:

As another Twitter user said about the GIF above, “That’s gonna give me nightmares.” I have to agree.

But wait, there’s so much more to enjoy:

They say it takes a truly big man to admit he lost and move on from there. Yeah, you see where I’m going with this. Trump is NOT a big man. He is a weasel in big man clothing who likes to pretend he’s tough enough to take on the world with one hand tied behind his back. But when the chips are down and all seems lost, he reverts back to form. This form:

If you want to see all of the awesome postings at #TrumperTantrum, by all means head on over. Hey, leave a few of your own, too!

This article was originally published by the same author at