WATCH: Elizabeth Warren Verbally Flips Off The Donald In Graduation Address

In recent weeks, a bit of a Twitter war has erupted between Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and the presumptive GOP nominee, Donald Trump. But over the weekend, Senator Warren used a commencement address at Bridgewater State University as the platform to drop what amounted to a nuclear weapon right atop the dead animal that sits on the Donald’s head.

On three separate occasions, Warren took on Trump. With the first one, she remarked:

“Heck, on my day of graduation, I never imagined I would visit foreign countries. I never imagined I would be a commencement speaker. I never imagined I would get into a Twitter war with Donald Trump. But here I am, living the life!”

Later in the speech, Warren used a pop culture reference to once again skewer Trump:

“As one of the great philosophers of our time has said, ‘Haters going to hate, hate, hate hate, hate.’ Knowing who you are helps you ‘Shake It Off.’ Okay, I promised I wouldn’t sing, and I definitely can’t dance like Britney Spears.”

Then, on a more serious note, Senator Warren told the rapt audience of graduates:

“I think that Donald Trump is a truly dangerous man and there is some risk that he could be president of the United States. I think it’s time for all of us to pay careful attention to him and to the issues that he has raised and to start fighting back.”

No matter who wins the Democratic nomination, I know there are a lot of us who are hoping this awesome lady is the pick for Vice President. I know I sure am. I just wish she’d also get a chance to debate (and destroy) Trump.

Watch and enjoy:


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