Never has the expression, “Like father, like son” been more accurate than when it’s applied to Donald Trump’s eldest sons, Don, Jr. and Eric, who are quite clearly chips off the old block. And not in a good sense, either. They reflect their father in all the wrong ways.
While appearing on Fox News earlier this morning, the two sons were discussing their father’s chances on Super Tuesday, when 12 states will hold primaries. Eric Trump had this to say about the recent attacks from other Republican contenders on his daddy:
“You know, it’s sad to see. We love our father. He’s an amazing guy — he would do such an unbelievable job for this country. He’s an amazing businessman, he’s an amazing negotiator. He’s funding himself, right?”
Perhaps we can go ahead and get the ball rolling as we nominate the Donald for sainthood, Eric. Why not call Pope Francis and see what he says? Oh, I see: the Pope isn’t taking your calls. Gee, imagine that!
Then the co-host of “Fox and Friends,” Ainsley Earhardt, noted that not everyone is a fan of the elder Trump, and she showed clips of celebrities Al Sharpton, Raven-Symone, and Whoopi Goldberg saying they would leave country if Trump manages to reach the White House. This prompted Donald Trump, Jr. to snidely remark:
“I’ll buy them their airfare. I’m more than happy to chip in.”
He was joined by Eric Trump, who said the comments from black celebrities might be “the greatest endorsement ever.” That brought out this bit of nonsense from Trump, Jr.:
“Those are endorsements for Trump. That’s the thing — when you have the establishment people in the debates, and they stack the debates with a thousand people that are all booing, those are votes for us. Because the people in the audience watching at home are like, ‘Wait a minute — he’s saying what I’m thinking.’ I love that. That’s as good an endorsement as we could possibly get.”
Much like the endorsements your father has gotten from neo-Nazi groups and former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, Junior? Clearly, the Trump sons think their father’s strategy of attempting to conquer by dividing this country into warring factions will lead to victory. But they are wrong, and will be proven wrong when November rolls around, if not sooner.
In case you want to see the Trump sons on Fox News, here’s the video:
Never happen under OUR watch!! Hold up I thought Donald Trump is running for president. Not the sons. Now we know who’s really going to be the running the country if Trump wins.
I want to get in on that deal. I want Trump to pay for my ticket when I leave the country if he gets elected.
Kind challenge
I am Black but I have No Concern or Desire to Move if your Father Become President
I am a Disabled Terminal (Cancer) Veteran and I have Contacted your Veterans Group to see if you Would help me Relocate to Arkansas.
I Received No Reply.
I Could Still Use your Assistance.