WTF?! Ted Cruz Makes Creepy Beastiality Joke About Trump, Weirds Out Millions

The GOP race for the White House has taken some strange, head-shaking turns over the past week. From the attack ad showing Trump’s wife Melania in a suggestive pose to Trump alleging he would “spill the beans” on Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, we appear to have entered a new level of surrealism that eclipses the work of Salvador Dali.

Things could not get any stranger, right? Wrong! Way wrong!

Yesterday at a news conference, Cruz was again firing back at Trump for his comments about Heidi Cruz, telling reporters:

“We have done nothing to his family, and we will not. But Donald was unhappy with the news of the day, unhappy with losing elections, was unhappy with his dangerous ignorance of foreign policy being revealed on the world stage, so he decided to engage in a personal attack directed at my wife.”

That may well be the strongest, most effective thing Cruz has said since this whole wife vs. wife back and forth began. But Cruz could not leave well enough alone, and quickly added this:

“Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him. And this garbage does not belong in politics.”

What?! Where in the hell did that come from, Ted? I’ve heard politicians say some pretty sleazy stuff before, but this may just take the proverbial cake. So Trump is a rat, but you’re no rat f*cker. Well, that certainly clears things up, doesn’t it?

In the process of trying to slag Trump, Cruz wound up making himself look even more skeevy and unhinged than we ever imagined. Rats and copulation. Great, like we need that image in our heads.

And just think, we have at least three more months of this kind of thing before the GOP convention in July. I highly recommend we all prepare ourselves for even worse things than rodents, of which there are plenty in the Republican Party.


One thought on “WTF?! Ted Cruz Makes Creepy Beastiality Joke About Trump, Weirds Out Millions

  1. Both of these Men are slime, and the Nation has no use for either of them…..When the wives became ‘fair game’, they took U.S.Politics to a new all-time low… I don’t really care what either wife has done, or is doing now, nor do I need juicy details to decide I’m not voting for either of their knuckle-dragger husbands…..These ladies sealed their fates at the altar, and I feel zero sympathy for both.

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