Deep Left Field

80% Of Americans Say They’re ‘Angry’ With Where The Country Is Headed Under Trump

While President Donald Trump finds himself trailing his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, by anywhere from 7.5 to 10 points nationally, a new poll from CNN shows that the president’s reelection campaign is facing a much larger threat: The number of Americans who say the United States is headed in the wrong direction with Trump in the White House.

According to the poll:

“Americans are angry. About 8 in 10 say they are at least somewhat angry about the way things are going in the country today, including an astonishing 51% who say they are very angry. CNN has asked this question in polling periodically since 2008, and the previous high for the share who said they were ‘very angry’ was 35%, reached in 2008 and 2016.”

Be sure and note that 16 percent more Americans now report they’re “very angry” with where the country is headed than said that same thing in 2008 and 2016. In 2008, Barack Obama was elected after George W. Bush had served for two terms. And four years ago Trump won. That doesn’t exactly bode well for an incumbent president, especially when you consider how respondents said they’re feeling about the top issue on voter’s minds: The coronavirus pandemic:

Trump’s numbers on the economy are also worrisome for an incumbent president:

Those are not the kind of numbers that get a president reelected. And it would explain why Trump continues to attack the idea of voting by mail: An angry electorate  and an election with a high turnout would probably be disastrous for Republicans, who are also facing the prospect of losing control of the U.S. Senate.

Things are not going well in the U.S., despite what Trump and his defenders say. The electorate is unhappy and fearful. That could prove politically fatal come November.