Deep Left Field

Add These 4 Crimes To The Growing List Of Charges Against Donald Trump

Donald Trump is many things: A bully, a liar, a terrible businessman, and a sexual predator.

But the one thing Trump will be known as when the history books are written is this: A criminal.

Over the past 15 months, we’ve watched in horror as Trump has systematically begun the process of destroying everything that’s best about this country, all in the name of the Almighty Dollar and his own self-aggrandizement. And every step of the way, Trump has been committing various crimes.

When it comes to Trump’s run for the White House, it’s safe to suspect that he was intimately involved in a conspiracy with the Kremlin to guarantee he won the election. Those actions alone suggest, as former Assistant Attorney General Jimmy Gurulé has long maintained, that Trump will wind up being charged with:

The payoffs to adult film star Stormy Daniels, on the other hand, suggest Trump will be charged with bank and wire fraud, along with multiple violations of campaign finance law.

But Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu (CA) says we can add four more felonies to the growing list being compiled against the president. Lieu made his prediction after watching Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, go on Sean Hannity’s show and tell yet another version of how Daniels was paid by Cohen. Lieu posted this on Twitter:

Oddly enough, Trump is now saying that Giuliani’s comments on Hannity were incorrect, commenting:

“He’ll get his facts straight. There has been a lot of misinformation. I say, You know what? Learn before you speak. It’s a lot easier.”

How ironic is that line when it’s coming from a man who never thinks before he fires off a tweet or starts spewing verbal garbage?

Trump and his advisers are in full panic mode. They can tell their lies are no longer working, so they’re trying to craft some new ones to replace the old. But all the lies in the world will never erase the crimes of this man and his administration. And for those crimes, Donald Trump and his co-conspirators must pay.