Deep Left Field

Are Donald Trump Jr. And Jared Kushner About To Be Arrested?

What will be the next shoe to drop in the Russia investigation being conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller? Paul Manafort has been indicted. Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos have both pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Who’s up next?

New information seems to point to Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner, both of whom were at the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya. Both have also appeared before Congressional committees looking into the 2016 election. Both have unlimited access to President Trump.

Back in November, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Howard Dean, appeared on MSNBC and predicted:

“I expect there’s a good likelihood Jared Kushner will be indicted for money laundering, and then we’re going to see how far this Russian involvement goes.”

Just last week, during an appearance before the House Intelligence Committee, Don Jr. refused to say what he had told his father after the Trump Tower meeting, asserting attorney-client privilege even though neither he or his father are lawyers. It was the clearest sign yet that he knows he’s in very hot water and would incriminate both himself and the president if he went into any detail about the meeting.

Kushner, on the other hand, has the same alleged dirty dealings as his father-in-law. Active in the New York real estate market, Kushner may have taken (and laundered) millions of dollars from Russian oligarchs and members of organized crime.

As Christmas approaches, don’t be surprised if the indictments and arrests ramp up. Mueller is making progress with his investigation. And recent news that he has subpoenaed financial records related to Trump from Deutsche Bank also indicate that money is the common tie which will implicate everyone involved in selling out this country to Russia.

A Bible verse recently quoted by former FBI Director James Comey on Instagram seems more relevant than ever:

“But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:24)

This article was originally published by the same author at