Deep Left Field

Democratic Senator: Robert Mueller Has The Evidence That Will Destroy Donald Trump

Since we don’t all have unlimited access to the investigation being conducted by numerous Congressional committees into the 2016 election and possible collusion between members of the Trump campaign and Russia, we basically have to get what snippets we have from members of those committees and the few public hearings that are held.

But now, thanks to the Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner (D-VA), we have a much better insight than ever before when it comes to what evidence his committee has and what Special Counsel Robert Mueller is privy to.

Speaking to Axios, Warner commented that:

“Based on witness testimony and documents that he has seen behind closed doors, the Russia probe is ‘the most important thing I will ever work on.'”

While Warner didn’t — and couldn’t — get into specifics, he made it clear that what he’s already seen has him convinced there’s a case to be made for conspiracy against numerous individuals, including Donald Trump. And he noted that Robert Mueller is even better armed when it comes to his team’s look at what happened in 2016:

“I feel that more strongly today than even a year ago, and we don’t even have near the tools that Robert Muller has in his investigation.”

All of this may explain why just this week, Warner warned that further actions by the White House or its Republican allies in Congress to undermine or fire Mueller would lead to a clear Constitutional crisis that would result in impeachment:

“Any attempt by this president to remove special counsel Mueller from his position or to pardon key witnesses in any effort to shield them from accountability or shut down the investigation would be a gross abuse of power and a flagrant violation of executive branch responsibilities and authorities. These truly are red lines and simply cannot allow them to be crossed.”

Though we have to read between the lines a bit to decipher exactly what Warner was saying, this much seems crystal clear:

Granted, we all want to see Trump and any other traitors indicted, impeached, and imprisoned, but when it comes to the law, patience is indeed a virtue and is on the side of the resistance.