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Is Jared Kushner About To Be Indicted For Money Laundering? The Signs Point To YES

As Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues his investigation into the 2016 election and the possibility that members of President Trump’s campaign conspired with Russian agents to assure Trump won, all eyes remain on the sealed indictments on file at the federal courthouse in Washington, D.C.

Ever since Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates were indicted, speculation has been rampant in the nation’s capital: Who might be the next that gets indicted?

Former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman Howard Dean told MSNBC that Mueller’s investigation is moving ever closer to the Oval Office:

“We believe we may well have a criminal in the White House. Certainly, he has a special interest in the Trump family and their investments. And we think there is substantial likelihood that he has laundered money. That’s what his associates have been charged with.

“You have a prosecutor [in Special Counsel Robert Mueller] who I think everybody on the Republican and Democratic side believes in a straight shooter. He is playing a very serious hand here. He’s working his way up from the bottom as he’s going to continue to do.”

Then Dean dropped the name he thinks is on one of those sealed indictments filed last week by the special counsel:

“There’s a good likelihood Jared Kushner will be indicted for money laundering. And then we’re going to have to see how far the Russian involvement goes.”

“It appears to me what Bob Mueller is investigating is whether the president of the United States engaged with a foreign power in order to get where he got. That’s a very serious matter for this country.”

Kushner, who serves as a top adviser to President Trump, is also married to Ivanka Trump, Trump’s daughter. Would he roll over on his father-in-law if facing charges which carry decades in prison? For months now, many have suggested Kushner may be the key to the entire Russia investigation, and if he’s indicted, it could well be a sign that Trump is on the verge of being impeached.

This article was originally published by the same author at