Deep Left Field

Lindsey Graham Says Unemployment Benefits Need To Be Cut Or People Will Refuse To Work

In the middle of an economic slowdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says unemployment benefits need to be cut because they’re a disincentive to people looking for work.

During an appearance on Fox News, Graham remarked:

“Here’s the problem. The unemployment benefits in South Carolina are $23/hour to be unemployed. You’ve got a lot of small businesses trying to keep their employees on the payroll paying $16 and $17/hour. One program is undercutting the other.

“We’ve got to get that fixed.”

While he was near a TV camera and on Donald Trump’s favorite network, Graham also took the time to lavish praise on the president, gushing:

“People are dying right now and this president is doing everything humanly possible to work with anybody that will work with him. Do you know when impeachment ended? February 6th we voted to acquit the president and Democratic leaders who are criticizing the president now wanted to extend the trial for weeks to call more witnesses.

“You’ve got to remember the Democratic Party on February 6th was asking the Senate to stay in session to get more witnesses! These are the people who are criticizing him.”

Yeah, but Trump was warned about the danger of coronavirus long before February and did nothing, Lindsey. All the whining in the world won’t change that.

As for cutting unemployment benefits, here’s a suggestion: Let’s cut Lindsey back to minimum wage and see how he likes it.