Deep Left Field

Maxine Waters Rips Donald Trump A New One For Acting Like A Dictator

According to Donald Trump, he has the “total authority” as president to say when every state and the U.S. economy reopen, and he’s suggesting that he will be making the decision to risk the lives of millions of Americans very soon. Reports are that he will recommend May 1 as the target date, but there are also suggestions it will happen much sooner.

Why is Trump willing to risk the lives of Americans this way? Because he’s terrified he’s going to lose in November if he doesn’t move fast and try to get the stock market and business world rolling again. In other words, as usual, it’s all about him.

Rep.Maxine Waters (D-CA), however, is calling Trump out for his recklessness and his dictatorial longings.

Waters took to Twitter and posted this reminder to the president:

And that wasn’t all Waters had to say about what Trump has been doing in recent weeks:

There’s also the matter of the egotistical Trump demanding that his signature be on every stimulus check that goes out to taxpayers, significantly delaying payments to those who receive paper checks instead of direct deposit. That one led Rep. Waters to note:

It’s safe to bet that Trump will be melting down big time when he reads those tweets, especially the last one. But then again, Waters is absolutely right: We have a con man in the White House and he’s as bogus as they come.

Thankfully, it’s only 201 days until we get to vote this fraud out of office.