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MSNBC Host: Donald Trump Is ‘The Laziest, Most Ignorant President In History’ (VIDEO)

As he so often does when he doesn’t get his way, Donald Trump is acting like a bratty, spoiled child because the House of Representatives won’t do exactly what he wants them to do regarding his deeply flawed repeal and replace legislation for the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Things got so contentious Thursday evening that the vote on what is being called Trumpcare was delayed until Friday, and now the White House says if it doesn’t pass when the vote is held, the president will pull the legislation and move on to other issues.

But as Lawrence O’Donnell pointed out last night on his MSNBC show The Last Word, Trump’s actions regarding the healthcare bill also prove something more damning about the alleged head of state:

“If you are a House Republican and this is a tough vote for you, the president is saying to you on the front page of the New York Times tomorrow,” O’Donnell said. “I quit, and I quit in the Senate. I do not have the patience or the ability to stay focused on this and get it through the Senate, which is much harder than getting it through the House.

“This is the laziest, most ignorant president in history. President Obama never once said something like this in the crusade to get that thing passed because he knew how to stay with it and get it passed.”

O’Donnell is 100 percent correct. Trump has never had to do any real work his entire life, and he’s a lazy bum who expects everyone to just do as he tells them to. But that’s not how things go in Washington. And we’ve known for a long time that Trump is intellectually incurious and not given to any kind of deep thought.

Donald Trump is headed for disaster, and he hasn’t even completed his first 100 days in office. Between his inability to get legislation passed, his fondness for lying, and the investigations of his possible connections to Russia, this so-called president is bogged down in a mess of his own creation.

This article was originally published by the same author at